This Thanksgiving break we decided to stay on campus to relax and regroup, it was really great and we were glad we did! We hung out with friends, watched some movies, went on walks, went fishing, hunting. Ava had hand, foot and mouth disease, but got better by the time classes started. It was good to just spend time as a family and chill for a few days.
Our 2 main classes have been team work and phonetics. I have a picture of our phonetics class, we are learning so many different sounds with our mouths and how to write them. TJ and I just took the word craft test to see if we have any aptitude for taking the linguistics class, and we did horrible! If we had any aptitude for taking the linguistics course, we would consider staying, but considering our in-aptitude we will not be doing that. So our time here will be shortened to 1 1/2 years unless TJ decides to take the tech course which could give him more skills, he’s going to be looking into that and will make the decision as the time comes. If we choose to do nothing extra then we will graduate from here December 2013, and if TJ does the tech course then we will finish May 2014.
Time seems to be just flying by which is crazy, I wish it didn’t go by this fast. People have been asking how our time has been here so far, and the main answer I have come up with is “rejuvenating”. God has really blessed us here with a great church, with friends that I didn’t expect to make but have been an incredible encouragement, ministry that fits our family perfectly and so many other things… it’s like God knew exactly what we needed. The community here is wonderful, I know it’s temporary but I am so soaking it up. I want to get to know staff better and hear about their experiences as missionaries on the field, and I have gotten to know a minute amount of information about such amazing people, but I want to know MORE! The time just seems to be slipping away, and I want to get to know these people better, but the time is not up and there will still be opportunity, we just need to be intentional.
As I look back on our lives and how we got to this point of being in this training I am amazed at what an amazing God we serve, and I have this feeling like we’ve barely started. God’s hand has been so clear in every part of our lives in our direction and for what he has for us. I realize I don’t need to doubt God, he has a plan for us a country for us to serve in a people group that he has and is preparing. Here we are wondering what country we will go to, and how we will be used there. The time is getting closer for us to start narrowing down a specific field, and it seems like such a big task, but I am needing to be reminded of who God is and that he has this all under control, we just need to seek him and trust him. And speaking of becoming a missionary to the un-reached people groups… I just need to say that I’m scared out of my mind, I don’t feel like it’s something I can handle, I don’t expect it to be comfortable, I am actually wondering how I’m going to do it at all… how am I going to survive? I know God has called us to do this, and that’s the only reason I can rest at all, and I know we are going to need to continue to rely on him, even more than we are now. So all of you that are thinking you could never do something like this? Well… I don’t feel like I can either, with God’s strength alone! Things I often wonder about: What will I do if my husband has to go away for a night? Will I be safe? How do I keep my kids safe? Who will watch my kids if I need to do language study? How often will house help come into my home? Will there be cheese where we’re going? Will there be mosquitoes? Will we get Malaria? What happens if my husband dies? What if we all get sick and don’t know what to do? Is there a doctor to see if we need one? What if TJ breaks his back? What if we need a chiropractor and are in the middle of a tribe? So many questions that enter my mind.
- 9 months and beautiful!
- Penny is 9 months and standing on everything
- sweet girl is getting so big so fast
- cool rocks
- lets eat them :/
- BIG fish… yay lots of meat! 🙂
- Also got to see Mark and Jamie over Thanksgiving break
- On Thanksgiving making pies, holding Penny and talking on the phone
- She even got him his own seat to sit in
- Ava feeding TJ a decadent meal
- LOVE this dress… thanks Cherie!
- my pretty girl
- laughing historically with Ava while swinging
- Ava hugs… you can see the marks on my back 🙂
- made my own thanksgiving meal and invited a friend
- everyone is looking kind of funny
- These girls are getting so big!
- Got to hang out with the Farran’s (who I lived with in South Africa)
- Penny’s favorite thing to do
- Thanksgiving with friends
- All the food`
- Our phonetics small group class
- TJ shot his first deer
Dec 05, 2012 @ 02:57:43
Dec 05, 2012 @ 14:49:34