

We get a lot of questions about our activities and ministry, so here are some of the most common answers we find ourselves sharing

  • What country are we heading to?  Senegal West Africa
    • *We are planning on partnering in a village with with Del and Arielle Griffith (Lily’s brother and sister in law) and their teammate, Angie Kaeselau .
  • When are we planning on leaving for Senegal?  August 2015
  • Will we take our kids with us on the mission field?  
    • Yes  🙂 
  • Why do we want to go to another country to reach the lost with the Gospel when there are people right here that need to hear it?  TJ and I both feel called by God to take the Gospel to the unreached people groups who will not have a chance to hear it otherwise.  The simple fact of the matter is, this is where God has lead us..  We are God’s children and we desire to serve Him anyway He asks us to… this is what he has asked US to do. as
  • What percentage of your recommended support are you at? 
    • As of January 30th, we are at 81.4%
  • How can you be involved?  
    • We need Financial partners to be able to do this, if you are interested you can contact us lily_shropshire@ntm.org or fill our this form and send it in with a voided check:
  • EFT Form
  • Prayer Partners:
  • Read here, or here  or email me so that I can put you on our email newsletter lily_shropshire@ntm.org