I went running a couple days ago, and it was one of the most difficult runs, (prob just because I haven’t done it in a while) It was only about 2 miles, but on the second mile I found myself having to focus on my breathing, I wanted to stop, I wanted to quit, but I kept going, something inside me wouldn’t let me stop, and as I neared the end, I sprinted for the last 300 feet all the way to the finish line. I finished well. I was tired, and breathing hard, but I finished well. We have almost exactly 6 weeks before we leave this beautiful state of California. I am starting to feel my feet drag. I’m starting to feel a little weary. It doesn’t make sense that I would feel weary. We get invited/invite ourselves over to people’s houses and they cook us delicious food, which of course I love… 🙂 I keep thinking why am I so tired? Why do I feel mentally drained. I feel the need to be almost daily reminded what the purpose is for us sharing our story with people.
Can we finish well here in California? Yes, I believe we can, but only with the help and strength from our great God. I believe He is asking me to lean on him, to believe him for each and every time we get together with someone and tell our story. The truth is that, God has a bigger plan, and people are in need of the Gospel, they are in need of a great God, and we are just a part of all that. Out of the 2,500 people groups who don’t have God’s word in their language, we do hope to take that number down one. God is asking us to be faithful to do our part, not just to meet with people, because honesty that’s my favorite part. He wants me to be faithful in the little things too. Paying bills, paying taxes (woohoo!) writing newsletters, blogs, and thank you’s, buying my family food, making them food (but oh how I do love to do that!) Entering in new information into our system, calling people, setting up meetings, doing all the nitty gritty paperwork that comes with all of this, He wants me to be faithful in serving him, and this is how he has us serving him right now. I have to remember that in preparing for the work he has for us in the future, we are doing his work right now.
Hebrews 12:1-3
“Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against
Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls.”

We had a missions committee meeting/get together… great fun, with the other missionaries home on furlough

My very good friend Sara Prieb’s girls (they were sad to say goodbye) They spent the day with us on Wednesday
I decided it would basically be a sin if I didn’t make a peach pie out of the peaches from my parents tree before I left here, so for our friends Zack and Sara, I made a peach pie. Peaches to pile high, a squirt of lemon juice and about a half cup coconut palm sugar, and it was perfect.

Went to Island Waterpark on Saturday with Del, Arielle and family who shared their free tickets with us… what a blast!
Wrote this on Satruday:
I Am LOVING finding healthier options for desserts especially when it is so good I can hardly stand it!! What am I making today?? Coconut cream espresso ice cream. Someone gave us free tickets to island water park, so we went with Del, Ari and kids. I’m making This ice cream for my mom’s birthday BBQ so we stopped on the way home to get some coconut cream at whole foods and I ask a guy where it is, he shows me, I get home and start opening all my cans (some I already had). When I get to the whole foods can it is acting different and I realize it has sugar and all kinds of junk, I feel a little frustrated and grab my keys to head out the door, TJ says “don’t we have things to do this afternoon?” I said “this is what I have to do this afternoon!!” I give him a good smooch and head out the door, on the way to my car I see my mom on the front porch and she says where are you going so I tell her quickly and she jumps in the car, we go to whole foods and they give me my money back, then we go to trader joes and I walk in and find my precious coconut cream, I take a deep breath and feel right at home, I have always loved trader joes but today standing in front of the coconut cream where the little sign said “coconut cream: $1.49” I felt more at home in a store than I ever had.
We got home and I whipped up some delicious ice cream, it is now whirling in he ice cream maker. Something I experienced recently was little specs of coffee grounds in the ice cream, so I put espresso as well as espresso grounds in this ice cream, I have a feeling it is going to be divine and well worth all the effort, and my mother is definitely worth all the effort!! 🙂
… Well it was well worth it, I would tweak it a bit next time though. It was fluffy, creamy delightful and just the right amount of sweetness!
Lily’s Coconut Cream Espresso Icecream:
4 cans coconut full fat cream
3 eggs raw (can omit these if not desired)
1/2 cup maple syrup
1/4 cup honey
2 tea vanilla
1 tea salt
2 heaping TBLS ground very fine coffee
1-2 cups espresso or very strong coffee (I used an italian espresso maker)
Whip together, pour into 4 quart ice-cream maker and let run till thick.
I added on top: Magic Shell:
1/3 cup coconut oil
2/3 cups chocolate chips
Melt together mixing until well combined, pour on top of ice-cream and will harden on it’s own.
PS TJ taught Sunday School last week at church and will be doing so for the next 4 weeks… whoohoo, Go TJ. Thanks for reading!
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