So, I guess I forgot to mention that my youngest turned 3 on March 1st, I no longer have children 2 and under… It’s sort of nice. I don’t have to feed them every bite, nor watch them every second, I don’t have to worry about them messing with my picture frames that are sitting out. I don’t have to change diapers, they can take themselves potty!! we are not yet to the stage where they can bath themselves obviously but that day will come too, and then I’m sure I will wish we were back here. Penny is my delightful sweetheart, she LOVES to wear dresses, but only “pretty ones!” and ones that spin like a ballerina, if she wears a skirt then she refuses to wear a shirt, so usually dresses it is. She is doing well being potty trained and never has to wear a diaper anymore. She is sure about what she wants and always answers a questions with confidence. She loves to dance and play with her sister, she loves to be a mommy to her babies and feed them milk with their bottle. She gets frustrated when she feels like she can’t express her thoughts and then screams so we’re working on words. She loves to cuddle with mommy and does so every morning, which I cherish dearly and never want to end! Even though she’s 3 she still feels like my baby and such a gift from the Lord, she is so special! She still can’t say her “L’s” and every once and a while we will quote what she says back to her and she’ll just argue. For example she’ll say “There’s a Wizard (lizard) and then we will say “there’s a wizard?” and she says “No a wizard!” and the story goes on, its just too funny. We try not to tease her too much but it’s pretty hilarious.
Since TJ’s little accident life has had it’s challenges. When TJ finally realized the extent that he needed to rest he has been resting but it has been hard because who wants to lay in bed all day? And it has been hard to take care of the girls 24/7 while being patient and kind the entire time, so please pray for me as I deal with my girls and my husband. I can only walk forward making good decision for my family with help from the Lord, honestly he’s my only hope!
I am so grateful for family and friends who are willing to help in any way. The girls and I try to get out somewhere each day to get a change of scenery and hang out with other people. We got to go to the beach yesterday
and played with their friend Austin today.
Because I am on a gluten free diet right now I have been trying all kinds of stuff, I love a challenge in the food arena!! SO I wanted to share a few things that I have been making lately incase any of you crazies want to try my recipe’s :).
Recipe #1: Egg Plant Lasagna
Recipe #2: Chocolate Chip, Coconut, and Almond Flour Cookies
I don’t miss chocolate chip cookies cuz honestly, these are better!!
Recipe #3: Gluten Free Swedish Pancakes
So… I thought that I would have to give up things like this but apparently not and these babies are PRETTY DELICIOUS!!! I halved the recipe just for myself and I also added about 2 TBL of chia seeds and used regular milk, yum!
Recipe #4: Paleo Thin Mint Cookies

The actual cookie… I should have baked it the time it called for instead I took them out 2 minutes early and I think they could have done with that little bit of extra crispiness!

dipping the cookies, I added a little extra mint to the chocolate because it wasn’t quite minty enough!
Also Can I just say that sometimes I really want a Barq’s Rootbeer, it is the only time when I voluntarily put high fructose corn syrup into my body, but man it is worth it, at least I feel like it at the time!
And… I’m on day 22 of changing my blood.
Alisha Miller
Mar 19, 2015 @ 21:34:05
Mar 20, 2015 @ 10:14:47
Connie Blesse
Mar 20, 2015 @ 01:07:03
Mar 20, 2015 @ 10:13:08