Hi… it has been a while since I last blogged, I feel like that is the way I have been starting every one of these, but it’s like a friend that I want to talk to desperately… I want to share my heart, but there is so much to share that I’m not sure where to begin.
I am here in California, and have been here for 3 and 1/2 weeks now… wow! My oldest brother Bobby got married on the 15th of October to the beautiful Sarah Norris (now Griffith), she is so perfect for him! They have been such good friends for several years, eventually they fell in love, and have now committed to spend their lives together, how wonderful is that?! I know it’s great, I could not be more overjoyed for them 🙂
For this next part I’m going to share I cannot yet share with you all the details for it has not yet been completely resolved. When I first arrived here, there were a number of things, mainly one that threw me into a state of emotional distress… feeling angry at other people for making my life hard, for causing me pain and hurt, making me bitter, and in return fighting with my own flesh, causing me to turn to myself instead of God. If you’ll notice I wanted to blame my feelings on someone else’s actions… that’s not right! I need to take responsibility for my own self. God has been humbling me, showing me areas in myself that need to be changed, that no matter what my surroundings are I can be strong in Him, because I don’t need to find my identity in anyone else but Him… wow that is so comforting to say out loud! You know… It’s so natural for us to want to blame someone else for our hurt feelings, I’m not saying we shouldn’t share our feeling with others, because owning your own feelings and sharing that brings healing, and that is something I still need to do, I have just been praying and waiting for God to change my heart in a way that I could not do. He has given me a new and different perspective. I am so thankful for God’s love for me, he desires restoration in relationships, which makes sense that he made the ultimate sacrifice so that we could be restored to him. Thanks for listening, and if you have a minute I would love for you to say a quick prayer for me. 🙂
As for my time here, it has been nice to spend time with family, and friends, TJ went back to Florida last week and I am staying here until my sister in law Arielle’s baby is born. I am honored to be able to be there for the birth, she was due the 2nd of November, so we are still waiting… patiently, I will keep you posted. I do miss my Florida family, and of course our youth group, they bring more to my life than they realize. Anyway, I’m sure I have shared enough now, I am so thankful for God grace in my life. Enjoy the pictures!
Ava and cousin Bella |
visiting Barry and Helen |
Breakfast on the wedding day |
Ava fell asleep while dancing with my mom at the end of the night |
cousins: Bella, Ezra, and Ava |
Ezra and Ava |
sisters, cousins and our Mormor |
our little family 🙂 |
Pregnant sister in laws |
playing with relatives day after wedding |
exploring Santa Barbara (anniversary trip) |
Weeeeeeee… I love my husband! |
abandoned property where a house had burned down |
21 weeks pregnant in this picture |
eating breakfast at our “bed and breakfast” |
we kept the tradition and ate sushi on the beach |
consumed too much wasabi on that piece of sushi |
all fluids instantly came flowing out of my face |
TJ did the same thing… =) |
Nov 06, 2011 @ 08:16:56
TJ Shropshire
Nov 06, 2011 @ 08:54:36