Just to be clear… I am wearing a dress! |
not sure what she thinks about this |
Sister Love! |
The faces of Penny: (missing the poop face 😉
Penny was 3 months on the first of June, she is incredible… I am so in love with her! She has rolled over once, but no more since that one time, she coos and laughs at us now, it’s not a full belly laugh, but getting oh so close! I am told she looks like me which is also fun. She has such a sweet personality, I am looking forward to see how it unfolds as she gets older.
Ava is being potty trained at the moment, we have been doing poopoo on the potty but not much else, so today is the first day of true potty training so I’ll let you know how it goes. So far today she pooped on the toilet, which I didn’t expect, but we haven’t had any peepee accidents yet… I AM expecting them :/
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