I can’t believe it’s the middle of November… Time just seems to be flying by. TJ’s brother and sister came up a 2 weeks ago, TJ and Peter flew up to North Dakota with a friend to help harvest corn, TJ came home, and Peter will be coming back some time this weekend… so Ruth has been hanging out with us. Since we don’t have a lot of room in our apartment she’s been staying with a single friend in her extra room. She’s gone to church with us, visited Ha ha tanka state park, eaten most meals with us, gotten to know some people around here, learned about phonetics and team work and of course played ‘Settlers of Catan’. Peter comes back this weekend, so we will be saying goodbye to both of them for a while.
We started Phonetics class about 2 weeks ago, and we are loving it. We are learning how to make new sounds with our mouths and learning how to write down each sound phonetically, it’s definitely something we can visualize being able to use, so that’s fun! We have also been enjoying our team-work class. There is so much to learn concerning this area. We can prepare as much as possible now, but I know that no matter what when we arrive on the field and are part of a team no matter who it is, it’s going to be hard, and we are going to have to learn to work together, so I’m enjoying just listening to teachers who have gone before us and have done this thing before. Team work is no joke… a high percentage of missionaries leave the field because of conflict within the team. I don’t want to think that we are above the line on this one. Working with people is hard, and the only way if it’s going to work is if we’re humble and before the Lord in every way, being servants to one another, loving each other in the way that Christ loves us.
Something super exciting and encouraging to us: New people have joined our support team! God is so faithful and he is causing us to trust him more and more. Thank you Lord for providing for us!
I’m looking forward to Thanksgiving to have a little break, and spend time with our little family.
We are praying a lot right now about where God would have us, so please be praying for us as we consider different countries.
- Ruth came to visit
- Pizza dinner with Ruth 🙂
- this is the first time Penny stood up
- bringing it to neighbors for dinner 🙂
- mak’n chocolate pie
- Love my sweet Ava
- Our friend Elise hang’n out… love this girl! 🙂
- this is my whey… it should be more clear… oh well, next time
- made cream cheese and and whey out of our raw milk
- Penny crawling everywhere!
- putting herself in precarious positions
- It’s pumpkin pancake season
- We went to Haha tanka state park this past weekend
- eating our lunch at Ha ha tanka
- Our little family
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