We just started (and are half way through the class) our “Ministry Partnership Development” class, which is basically about building partner’s with people in order to do God’s work, and bringing his words to those who don’t have it. Some really amazing yet so simple things have been brought up, and revealed to me. You would think this was a class on how to get money from people to do your ministry, or what presentation to give to a church so that they want to support you. This class so far is bringing out the reasons we came here for training, the reason we desire to be a part of reaching the lost… getting down to the deep level of why we’re doing this. So why are we doing this? Why did TJ and I decide not to live a “normal” life? Why are we choosing to leave our family? Why are we choosing to take our kids away from their grandparents and cousins? What changed deep inside us that has caused us to do something so drastic as moving our family to another country to live in a remote place? …
Note: I’ve been working on this blog post for a long time, and now I’m finally finishing it 🙂
…TJ and I were discussing the other night why we chose to be missionaries, why we chose this route for our family. Some people have a deep burden in their hearts for the lost, and want to “GO” some want to teach in an MK school, or be specifically a mechanic, or a church planter.
The sole reason we are doing this is just simply through following God. He directed us in this direction, he brought us to this place. He has specifically called us to do this. So it’s not that we don’t have a heart for those who aren’t saved because we do, but that’s not the reason we are diving into full time missions, it’s because of our relationship with the Lord, and his leading in our lives. It’s not some incredible thing we’re doing, it’s just as simple as someone being sensitive to the Holy Spirit and taking the next step. I wouldn’t say this was one big decision, I would say it was and is the Holy Spirit leading us one step at a time. We have a heart for the Lord, and our relationship with God should be effecting people wherever we are, because HE is worthy, we are to proclaim his name. Our heart and desire is to follow God where he is leading us. Right now we don’t know what country we will be going to, nor what job we will be doing, but I do know that God is faithful to lead us, and will never change in that. He is giving us the desire to be a part of bringing the gospel to those who need it.
So what’s partnership development going to look like for us? Well i’t been going on for several years now, it’s basically building relationships with other believers, in order that we may edify and encourage each other. There are people that we know and are getting to know better who know us well enough to admonish us, and encourage us in the Lord, to pray for us. This is part of a team, we need people on our team who have a heart for the Lord, and to do his will. I believe God is preparing people’s hearts and burdening them to be apart of our ministry, even though I don’t specifically know what that is. I’m learning not to feel guilty to share what we’re doing with people like their always going to think I’m trying to get money out of them (I’m too self-conscious, but you know what I’m talking about). The fact is that we are going to need money, and God will provide for that through his means. Not only are people going to be on our team, but we are all in this together, and I think that’s so cool, because I believe I will be responsible for praying and encouraging those who are going to join our team.
This whole partnership development thing sounds so daunting and scary, but at the same time, like I said we are following God, and I know he will lead us to the right places and people to play different roles in this ministry. The other thing that I’m realizing is that it’s not a burden for people to be a part of missions, it’s an opportunity, and a blessing if it’s ordained by God.
Just some thoughts thanks for reading. 🙂
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