shapeimage_1So… we have been all the way to California and back, but the first thing I want to post about is how our time went at Auberry Community.  As you may know we got the chance to be guest speakers at Auberry Community Church which is the church I grew up in.

My last post I shared the reason why we are choosing to go into missions which I will just quote my self here

“The sole reason we are doing this is just simply through following God.  He directed us in this direction, he brought us to this place.  He has specifically called us to do this.  So it’s not that we don’t have a heart for those who aren’t saved because we do, but that’s not the reason we are diving into full time missions, it’s because of our relationship with the Lord, and his leading in our lives.  It’s not some incredible thing we’re doing, it’s just as simple as someone being sensitive to the Holy Spirit and taking the next step.  I wouldn’t say this was one big decision, I would say it was and is the Holy Spirit leading us one step at a time.  We have a heart for the Lord, and our relationship with God should be effecting people wherever we are, because HE is worthy, we are to proclaim his name.  Our heart and desire is to follow God where he is leading us.  Right now we don’t know what country we will be going to, nor what job we will be doing, but I do know that God is faithful to lead us, and will never change in that.  He is giving us the desire to be a part of bringing the gospel to those who need it.”

This is basically what TJ shared along with some of the struggles we’ve have faced in the past year, and how God has been faithful in that.  I shared what I’ve been doing the past 5 years, and how God used that to lead us to up to this point in the direction that we are heading right now.  We wanted to make it clear that our heart is for the Lord, and to follow him in whatever direction he leads us.

Auberry Community (ACC) was so encouraging to us.  All the church’s missionaries are printed in the bulletin, and which I have looked at a million times.  Pastor Blake announced that our names would be printed there as well, and just shared how excited they were to get the chance to be behind us, and support us in what God is doing and going to do through us.  I don’t think they know just how encouraged we felt/feel by them.  We are excited to go back there when we have finished the training for several months to build more relationships there.