A couple weeks ago, we had the chance to fly out to Arizona to be a part of my good friend Valerie (and her husband Ryan) Domres’ wedding. We got there on a Thursday, got picked up by an awesome guy who we got to hang out with for the afternoon, and were encouraged by him. We then went to the rehearsal, and rehearsal dinner at Valerie’s in-laws house Tom and Karey Domres, who I am growing to truly Love and appreciate after getting to know them more and more. Friday we did some girly stuff plus decorating at the reception place hanging out at a hotel the night before. Saturday was the wedding day which was full of getting ready, and pictures, and crying… LOVE :). It was a beautiful wedding with a beautiful BRIDE. TJ and I are really excited for Ryan and Valerie as they start their lives together, I think God has some cool plans for them for the future. Congratulations Ryan and Valerie Domres!
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