Ava crawling for the first time |
very focused 🙂 |
Ava’s best friend Andrew |
and… she’s going in for the kill |
Ava has just started learning how to crawl, and in these pictures we have recorded Ava crawling for the first time. It has been really fun for TJ and I to watch her learn and grow every day, she’s pretty amazing :). My friend Betsy took these at their house, Andrew is their son, and Ava gets so excited every time she see’s him, sometimes he’s not quite sure how to deal with her aggressive tendancies 😉
Ava has 4 teeth now, and just popped out a 5th out last night, her top left front tooth. She was not feeling well, I’m not sure if she was sick, or if it was from teething, she had a runny nose, and fever… I didn’t sleep much last night… such is life, that’s what naps are for right?
Today is TJ’s first day back to work since spraining his thumb a week and a half ago, it’ll be nice to put some money back in the bank!
Ava will be 9 months in a few days, I’ll have to take a few more pics when that time arrives. 🙂
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