isn’t Penny supposed to be sucking on that? π |
Love |
kind of scary, but she really loves her sister |
Our friend Esther |
sweet babies! |
made chocolate bagels, now I know what to do when craving Uncle Harry’s chocolate chocolate chip bagels…. sooo good! |
someone’s flexible! |
Pretty girl! |
my “sweet” baby π |
TJ caught a fish and we ate it π |
Our curious girl! |
my surprise Birthday Party on TJ’s Birthday |
cousins… friends |
This is the “Do I want to listen to you?” Look |
Happy Birthday TJ! |
Happy Birthday Me! |
Our Sweet Penny! |
TJ and my birthday’s are two days apart, his May 27th, mine the 29th… it makes for an interesting dynamic. This year was my 25th birthday, and TJ decided to throw me a surprise party. We were attending another party Sunday afternoon, while during TJ informed me that his brother Kyle’s truck broke down and we needed to go help him, and he just wanted me to go with him, so I just went with it, he called Kyle on the way there (or pretended to) and said he was in a park, so we pulled off and while I’m looking out for Kyle, it seems weird that his truck would be broke down in a park, but whatever so we pull up, and I see all these people with stuff for a picnic or something, and I say to TJ βKyle lied to you, Look… their throwing you a party! ;)β And as I get out of the car and walk closer, they all say Surprise Lily! I was a little confused seeing how this all happened ON TJ’s birthday… crazy guy, he got me! I’m hard to surprise because I’m too inquisitive… I ask too many questions if you know what I mean. I like to know what’s going on, and I’m good at figuring things out, I guess he knows me pretty well, because I was thoroughly surprised. On my actual birthday, TJ had to work, which was fine, we had a long weekend together, so I had a normal day, and for dinner we went to my sister and brother in law’s house, Kyle and Cherie, she made us a hibachi style dinner with yum yum sauce (yum yum! HA!), it was absolutely delicious, then blackberry cobbler for dessert, that was absolutely divine! Quite the delicious homemade birthday dinner, I felt honored and loved. One of my favorite things to do is cook for people, so it meant a lot to me, them cooking me a delicious meal.
On another note, I have been enjoying my girls so much lately, they bring me such joy! Ava LOVES Penny, I tried to put a few pictures in here to portray that. Penny is just the cutest thing to me, I can’t stop squeezing her! She is getting chunkier which is course adds to the cuteness, and she just started laughing which is so fun, so of course TJ and I are now always trying to get her to laugh. Ava is amazing me with her memory and words, she is saying so many different words, and also perfecting pronunciation on words she has already learned, it’s so fun to see her grow and learn.
May 30, 2012 @ 16:32:04