- Rocket going up
- Penny is getting better at holding on to things
- My sweet giirl
- Ava loves her babies
It seems like there is so much going on with us. These things are not things I can really share, but God has been testing our faith, I feel as though I have been failing at times, one moment I feel so strong in the Lord, then the next I feel a lack of trust and feel so weak. TJ and I keep thinking how we will look back in a few years and see what God was doing, and how he had a plan all along. Sometimes life is just hard, physically, spiritually, emotionally… for us it is spiritually, it may just be this season of life, and that God wants us to trust him every step of the way.
We are going to school in a month, 30 days to be exact. We are leaving the 11th of August. We bought 12 Rubbermaid boxes last week, and so I just started packing… it’s kind weird packing up our house, but also feels sort of cleansing, moving on to the next part of our lives following God to wherever he’s taking us, right now I know it’s the Missionary Training Center in Missouri woohoooo! 🙂
My girls are doing well as of right now. Ava was sick a couple weeks ago for a week, but now she is back to her normal self :). She is talking so much it’s so fun to hear, she is also copying everything I say, so I am realizing how careful I have to be when talking to her, so that she learns the correct way to talk to someone. She is also coming up with so much on her own, she is a constant entertainment for TJ and I. Penny was 4 months on the 1st of July, she is the roll over master 😉 and can hold her head so high, she has always been a mommy’s girl, but she seems to be getting more and more particular as time goes on. I love her laugh, it seriously warms my soul. Ava loves her sister! But she can also get annoyed with Penny… Penny waves her arms around quite a bit, and if Ava’s in the vicinity (reading books together) she will get hit, and then be very offended that Penny hit her, I mean how dare Penny even get near her right?! 🙂 Not too long ago we were walking in the double stroller, Ava’s feet are hanging down, and Penny’s not even leaving the seat kicking like a baby’s would. Ava has her snacks, and sets them right in front of Penny’s feet, turns around and says “Mommy, Penny kicking NackS!” like Penny was purposely trying to get to Ava… this is just an example of the insane ideas Ava comes up with. I love my girls! 🙂
Last weekend we took a vacation to Vero beach, it was very relaxing as it was right next to the ocean. We just got to spend some quality time together as a family, and get a way for a couple days, I am thankful for these much needed times.
There is a picture of the smoke from the rocket going up
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