We are HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are thrilled to be here, it is still a little surreal, but we are definitely feeling God’s peace in this place and where he has us.
We packed up our house and loaded it on the “Shropshire” 35 foot goose neck trailer on Friday August 10th, and August 11th… the infamous departure date finally came, and we actually departed, we left our home of 4 years, our family, and our friends :(. Kyle, Cherie and their two kids graciously traveled with us, hauling the trailer with their truck. God kept us safe, and provided for all our needs on the 3 day journey up here, we stopped at some beautiful places, ate some horrible BBQ, and some delicious Ethiopian food (for the first time) . We stayed in a hotel the first night in Georgia, and at the Ayer’s (good family friends) house our second night which was such a blessing… all their kids gave up their rooms so we could have beds to sleep in, and sent us off with a delicious healthy breakfast, and sandwiches for the road. We stopped as a beautiful spot for lunch where there was water pouring out of rocks creating an aqua blue color.
As we arrived at the MTC our excitement peaked, and we couldn’t believe we were really here! We saw our little apartment and how small in was, and wondered how we were going to fit all our stiff in this little place. It has been sort of hard for me to have everything in boxes, and my house so disoriented. The kitchen is tiny so therefore we have really had to make due with the space available, and do things to help create more space, which has also been frustrating for me, but good to learn how to be flexible. I think I would say I had a bad attitude… :/ Something that lifted my spirits immediately was our NEW couch, there was an ugly blue couch in our apartment when we got here… someone mentioned a neutral colored couch in the furniture storage room, so went and looked at it, and LOVED it, the new couch changed everything for me 🙂 God is good. We WILL move in the new apartments when they are finished being built, which could be a couple months, so we are looking forward to that.
This morning, while laying in bed not able to sleep God seemed to bring a lot of things to mind… He has been sooo good to us! We HAVE a kitchen, and food to cook, so many people don’t have that luxury, we have a place to live, a comfortable place to sleep, He has provided everything for us that we need. Then I started to feel incredibly overwhelmed with Thankfulness that God has provided all these people in our lives to be a support to us, to pray for us to BE behind us. All these things were a confirmation for me that God had us here, that he has a plan and a purpose to work out through us, and THAT got me excited… excited to be here, to be doing what God has called us to, to rest In the one who brought us here. it is so easy to look past all these things, because things seem hard or every day seems packed with STUFF to do. So thank you to those of you who ARE behind us, who ARE praying for us, we appreciate you so much!
- With Caryn King the day before we left… a dear friend who is such a blessing to us
- Just about to leave on our new journey and adventure
- Our home state for the next couple years
- I squeezed my way into the back seat several times on the trip to keep my girls entertained
- The Ayers housed all of us, made us delicious food, and blessed our lives abundantly.
- Happy little cousins… I’m gonna miss that little Judah
- Kyle, Cherie, Levi and Judah all helped us move us and our things to Roach Missouri
- This was a beautiful little spot we stopped for lunch on our last day traveling
- Daddy’s girl
- my sweet Penny
- Love swinging or… “winging” 🙂
- Cousins
- And here we have made it to the Missionary Training Center!!!
- Ava absolutely LOVES this slide! It was here in front of our house when we got here
- our house… don’t mind the mess, we’re still in the middle of unpacking
- our little bathroom
- our little kitchen
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