All summer we’ve been planning this trip to Maryland, to see my friend Elise get married, and visit potential supporters/friends and a church that we are loosely connected to. Four days before leaving God confirmed us going by laying on someone’s heart to give us $500.00 for the trip, and it was just the right amount! We were blessed by each of our visits, first to South Carolina to visit my dear friend Laura Watson and her daughter Kristen, and then off to Chantilly Virginia to see friends that used to live here in Florida. It’s fun to see how God had been working in their lives. We spent three nights at my friend Elise’s house and got to be a part of all the festivities of the wedding planning and decorating. But at the same time it was such a sweet time of fellowship with her whole family as we prepared for the Big day. They were so hospitable and kind as I was not the normal house guest. Since I am newly pregnant and feeling quite sick, my needs for food and many other things are greater than normal… :/ They were so gracious to us!
The day we left their house we attended a church that supports Del and Arielle Griffith to just make a connection there since we are planning on partnering with them. We met the Pastor before church and of course made the worst impression we could make, as Ava pulled my hair (for the first time ever), bit me, hit me and told me “NO”! Any parents would feel horrified at this point just as I did, I gently said “Do you maybe have a room near by where I can discipline my child?” He did… Right next door, Thankfully! As the service started our number was put on the screen and were summoned to come pick up Penny as she was not happy. As we were leaving the church we met one of the elders who happened to be a member on their mission board. Our children were tired and grumpy and ready to go home, this gave us only a few minutes to talk and then we needed to leave. We leave the church put our kids in the car and say “God… What are we doing here?!!!”
That day and night we spent at Del and Arielle’s good friend’s Craig and Mary. They have 2 beautiful daughters that our girls got to play with, and we got to know Craig and Mary better. They are truly amazing people who are following God wherever He takes them. That evening we discovered that we had car problems and were going to need to stay longer, so thankfully the Fadels graciously allowed us to stay an extra night. Because we stayed an extra day TJ ended up getting to meet with this elder that we had met the previous day. It was a really encouraging meeting, and even though we hadn’t planned on bringing it up, they are very interested in financially supporting us starting in 2014. The same day TJ ate lunch at Panera Bread and afterwards was reading his Bible when a few men came up and starting talking with him by saying “now that’s a good book!” They asked a lot of questions about our ministry and what we’re doing, he happened to be a Pastor of a near by church, and before leaving handed TJ $50 which was the exact price for the part we needed for the car.
God is good and shows himself faithful in every situation!
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