This week has had it ups and downs. The girls and I have had a blast having girl time, wearing our dresses while we walk around the yard, picking peaches and berries, riding bikes, we had a tea party, and did finger painting. We love to sing songs at the breakfast table and reading our bible story before bedtime is a highlight… I feel like I have moved a step forward with my girls this week, our relationships are growing stronger and the way I discipline is becoming more clear as I continue to seek God. That doesn’t mean I don’t need his help. In almost every situation these days I’m saying God help me to have a good attitude and do the right thing here.
In the hardest of moments when my child is throwing the worst fit she’s thrown in months, I feel somewhat at a loss and discouraged because of the progress we have made in this past week, but we press on.
This weeks there have been some moments of emptiness, longing again for my baby girl Nola Grace, her presence is so missed even though she never got to see the light of day. Ava asked me when we get to see her again, and I said “not till we get to heaven”. Which feels like a long way away. I hoped for her to live to the day where she would also throw a fit, and we would have to work through that together.  Thankfully she doesn’t need to throw fits in heaven 😉

For some reason I decided that this would be a good week to take penny’s Paci away “bobbee” as she calls it. TJ is not here I will remind you, that’s partly why I did it and because we are normally in 2 different places during the week and right now we are in Fresno for an entire week, and I’m not sleeping well with TJ gone anyway, so it’s the perfect time I decided.  Yesterday I cut the tips off her bobbee’s and she kept saying they are broken mommy… Fix it please!!  So, she has still been putting them in her mouth but remaining frustrated because they don’t work right… So we got a couple balloons today and said an official goodbye to the bobbee’s as they floated away in the sky… Ava is a little older and more intuitive and keeps asking why we don’t just buy a new one? And of course I don’t want that option to even enter penny’s mind.  TJ says my tactics are deceitful and that I should have told penny that I was taking her bobbee’s a way, but I would rather her be upset at the bobbee for not working right rather than being upset at me for doing it… All she knows is that they broke, and that I’m the one comforting her, I’m good with that!!

My mom took us out to dinner!

My mom took us out to dinner!

it was a bib or no clothes... you can see what she chose

it was a bib or no clothes… you can see what she chose

painting with the girls

painting with the girls

swimming at Auntie Suzy's with delicious snack and lunch

swimming at Auntie Suzy’s with delicious snack and lunch

eating my banana bread dough

eating my banana bread dough


yes, my daughter has pj pants on her head... her choice

yes, my daughter has pj pants on her head… her choice

fancy shmancy tea party

fancy shmancy tea party

love these girls

love these girls

all dressed up for our tea party

all dressed up for our tea party

got to hang out with our nephew Caleb Sunday afternoon... these girls are interesting!  :-)

got to hang out with our nephew Caleb Sunday afternoon… these girls are interesting! 🙂

"my bobbee is broken!"

“my bobbee is broken!”

getting ready to say goodbye to the bobbee's

getting ready to say goodbye to the bobbee’s