reading our bible story before bed

reading our bible story before bed

playing at a friend's house

playing at a friend’s house

friends :-)

friends 🙂

What a week, wow!!! I know saying goodbye to the Paci wasn’t going to be easy, but bedtime has been…   AAAAaaaaaaaahhhh!!! (Crying voice) I just want to sleeeep!!!   I worked very hard to get penny to stay in bed after saying goodbye to the paci’s and it would take almost 2 hours every night. Here I am looking up other peoples experiences on Google and everyone is saying (high pitched voice) “yes well we accidentally left her Paci behind on this big trip we went on and she ended up being fine”. Story after story people’s kids were fine!! Why wasn’t my kid fine???  Why won’t she sleep?!!! I have lived to tell the tale! Saturday night TJ came home and he put her to bed, she only got up one time and then back to bed she went… For the entire night!! TJ is a Penny whisperer… God Bless him!

Penny getting ready to say goodbye to her paci's

Penny getting ready to say goodbye to her paci’s

I was so grateful TJ came home to me and not just because it’s nice to have his help. I really missed his presence and all that I enjoy about him. It’s incredible how a person really does become your other half and life just feels half empty without them. All of Saturday I spent cleaning the house and preparing for his homecoming. I made him a delicious home cooked meal, spaghetti (which I haven’t made in prob a year) , home made bread and asparagus. He seemed to show up slightly early, and so I was rushing around finishing what I could before he walked through door… And then there he was. The anticipation had been growing for days and here he was, he had a bouquet of dark pink roses and a small box of hand picked sees dark chocolates. He picked me up in his arms and kissed me, which was followed by a long hug, which was all happening in in he midst of our girls both yelling with excitement jumping up and down. He then proceeded one girl after the other to throw them up in the air, spin them around and kiss them all over, which is what he had told them he would do in days precious. We are all so glad to have our man home!!


We shared in a church Sunday and are always grateful to share our God story with people, and pray that it blesses someone.

We got to spend the afternoon with our very good friends… The Coutu’s, swimming and eating pizza, it’s just what we needed for a relaxing family day. As our kids were getting along better than they ever had we rode the wave and hung out talking till 10:10 and decided we should be semi responsible parents and go put our kids to bed. 🙂

Ava & Penny with the Coutu girls: Allison and Taytum

Ava & Penny with the Coutu girls: Allison and Taytum

This morning I got to see some old friends. Melissa who just had a beautiful baby and is learning how to be a mom… Bless her! Seeing my friend Sienna is always like a breath of fresh air. Not the way it used to be! Sienna has always been a words girl… She can lift you up or break you down. We became friends when I was about 10 and she was 12 and as you can imagine 12 wasn’t the most uplifting age ;)… And I was an easy influenced and effected child. She could tear me down in a second, she has the power to do that, because the thing is: I’m a words girl too!! But today at 29 years old, she uses her words to proclaim Christ to those who need to hear it, she is an encourager and a delight of a friend! Her words feed my soul. With the last baby (before I had the miscarriage) she was the first person I told that I was pregnant and I told her I was afraid of losing this baby because I already loved him/her, and she said “God made you to love that baby!! Don’t be afraid to love the child inside you, because it deserves to be loved as long as it’s alive!!” God used her to encourage me, and God knew I was going to loose that baby and yet he knew that it would be better for me to love that baby than to not, and he used Sienna to tell me. Those are the kind of things God is using Sienna for today, she can be a voice for people when they don’t have one, he gave her the power of words for a reason! I love and appreciate you girl!

playing at the Cetin's house (Sienna and Melissa's family)

playing at the Cetin’s house (Sienna and Melissa’s family)

My dear friend Sienna

My dear friend Sienna