busy little people LOVE to be involved with my friends :-)

busy little people LOVE to be involved with my friends 🙂

I love how God does supernatural things to help us rest!! And I mean like rest in The Lord, being encouraged by him and rejuvenated for the next thing.  This week when TJ came home we were gonna hit the ground running, well one of our engagements ended up getting cancelled which gave us the opportunity to take a deep breath!!

We spent the day with my friend Martha, she drove from Bakersfield just to see us, it was glorious!! The girls played with her hair, then they took a nap while we sat around the table drinking coffee and listening to TJ share about his trip to Colorado and what God taught him! We listened to Martha share her concerns with where God has her and her desires for ministry, we worked through some things God was laying on our hearts, it was nice to spiritually connect and encourage each other.  Love you Martha!!

My good friend Martha Keese

My good friend Martha Keese

As for the rest of my week I would say we were thrown a bit of a curve ball.  On Wednesday we began our glorious vacation with my entire family [except for Bobby 🙁 ] in Twain Harte California.  My gracious parents spent lots of money to get us all together and to make sure we we’re having a good time… Bless them!  We spent time at the lake, ate meals together, and each morning and evening one of the men shared wisdom imparted by God.  It was a blessed time.

The Gang

The Gang

eating dinner together

the “kids” table

All the grandkids accept for Caleb :(

All the grandkids except for Caleb 🙁


Friday morning following a morning “man” bike ride, TJ along with the rest of the men walk in the door… I look TJ up and down, he’s filthy as can be, and as I look up to his face I see it… I see that look I’ve seen before, the look he had when he laid his motorcycle down, when he fell 6 feet straight onto his back instantly passing out, when I was taking a phlebotomy class and sticking him with needles, he passed out in the chair, and finally when he walked in the door THIS time, all these things had one thing in common (accept for the time I made him faint). He had been a little careless and got hurt doing so.

While on the bike ride he decided to go on a side trail and apparently went a little too fast down a hill and ended up slamming his shoulder into a “dirt jump” as he calls it.
Sooo… Back to the look I saw on his face, I said “TJ, are you ok?” And he said “not really”. So he told me what happened while I looked him over.  After everything calmed down, and after we forced him to stick his hand in a ice bath for 15 min, and after we gave him some Vicodin, he was okay, even though he couldn’t move his arm/shoulder on the left side or the fact that his thumb was very swollen on the right side, ya well… sort of okay.  We all left him to go to a little train ride and eat pie.

riding on the train

riding on the train

wearing the conductor's hat

wearing the conductor’s hat

trip to the farm

trip to the farm (and train)

When we got back I ended up making lots of phone calls and I took him to the Prompt Care in Sonora. They did X-rays, and we found out that his scapula and clavicle were separated to the first degree, TJ wasn’t even going to tell the doctor that his thumb was hurt, but it’s a good thing I remembered to because it ended up being fractured and has a torn ligament.

TJ's shoulder x-ray Clavicle and Scapula 1st degree separation

TJ’s shoulder x-ray
Clavicle and Scapula 1st degree separation

fractured thumb

fractured thumb



So here we are not a week away from when we’re supposed to leave for our missions trip to Mexico (with our church)  and we’re not sure how it’s going to play out this week. God is asking me to have grace, love, and compassion for my husband, serving him inspite how his decisions may have effected our lives. I can see that God is testing me and stretching me. He is asking me to pray, to believe him for the best, he’s asking me to trust him, to be flexible with his plans.  I’m reminded that I need to come to him in prayer and in his word. I feel challenged to ask him for the big things, not because he is sure to do the big things but believing God because he is able and he is faithful.
The hard part is that things are not going according to plan, and I LOVE a plan!
So please be in prayer with us as we go to the doctor tomorrow and as they decide what is the next step. Pray healing over TJ and trust in our big God. We have insurance which is good, but there is a 2,500 deductible that we don’t have right now, so pray for finances.  Ask for patience for me as I take care of my 3 children (2 girls and TJ 😉 and lastly that God will make a way for us to go to Mexico this Saturday. Thankyou for your prayers!!

all the cousins enjoying their smoothies from Uncle Barry

all the cousins enjoying their smoothies from Uncle Barry

Penny just got some big girl underwear... woohoo, here we go!

Penny just got some big girl underwear… woohoo, here we go!