What. A. Day.

The day has arrived. We moved into our house today… WE MOVED INTO OUR HOUSE TODAY!!! I can see that God is stretching me however. You see TJ is not here right now. Last week he informed me that he would be out of town this week, helping with a big Job working on radio towers like he used to do. They asked him a while back if he could help with this particular job and he said yes, well it just so happened to be the same time that we were going to be moving into the house. So today arrived, it was raining and Ava was complaining of her tummy hurting, I thought OH NOOO… this is going to be a tough few days without TJ here!! TJ reminded me that my strength comes from the Lord and not to have a bad attitude… where does this guy get all his good advice?! Ava and Penny did end up throwing up, and getting sick, and I ended up having back issues today… blah!

Sunday TJ drove a trailer all around town picking up furniture items from people we are borrowing from, so that we would be ready monday morning without him. Our friend Steve, and one of our Pastors, his wife and their 3 boys helped us unload all our stuff as well as all the furniture. I could NOT have done it without them… I am so thankful for their willing and helping hands!

As my back starts feeling better, I am looking forward to unpacking our things and using our dishes again that we havn’t used in a year. Ava is sooooo excited to get her piggy bank out, she has been asking about it since we left California!! She was excited when she saw the doll house, and her toys she hasn’t seen for a while. They are excited about their new beds and their new room, so grateful for all this furniture that people are either loaning or giving to us, because literally none of it belongs to us! God is good, and has showed us his provision.

Penny was excited to see her dress up stuff, but mostly just wanted to cuddle with me today as she has not been feeling well. I think we we continue to unpack tomorrow, she will be excited about all her things coming out 🙂 Feeling the new season arriving and I’m thankful for it!


Ava and I were invited by my sister in law and Ava's cousin Ella to go with them to the Nutcracker Ballet, which was very special for Ava.  We gave her an early Christmas present of some nice dress up shoes.

Ava and I were invited by my sister in law Leah and Ava’s cousin Ella to go with them to the Nutcracker Ballet, which was very special for Ava. We gave her an early Christmas present of some nice dress up shoes.

Ava's new shoes

Ava’s new shoes

Penny is loving getting to dress up

Penny is loving getting to dress up
