This past weekend I got the privilege of flying home to California to attend my Grandmother’s memorial service AND spend time with my family. My older brother Del flew home to California as well all the way from Africa which was such a blessing to all who saw him, but meant so much to those of us who got to spend lots of time with him. From Friday through Monday I spent many hours with my parents, and all 3 of my brothers, Bobby, Barry and Del… This is a rarity and so now is like a pure gem of time to do this. My mom’s sister and her family were also staying at our house… so my cousin Ky and Linnea, and my Aunt Linda and Uncle Harry. So I would say the time was RICH! We spent the weekend catching up with each other, hearing how God has been doing a work in each of our lives. We all went to Mormor’s service of course who apparently planned it herself, she would totally do that! She’s so funny, she doesn’t like putting burden on other people, but also wanted things to be a certain way. There were about 10 people who got up to say that Mormor said to tell everyone, she was READY to go, she said “Don’t be sad for me… Be sad for yourselves!” We really enjoyed her service, we laughed, giggled, cried, worshiped God, prayed, shared our hearts. At the end of her service, it was so clear and relevant that Mormor’s life revolved around God’s character and who he is, her life revolved around the gospel, and the lives God changed through her will never be the same. I’m so thankful for the legacy that she has left.
It was especially hard to say goodbye to my brother Delwyn this time. We are planning on partnering with them in Africa and have that connection as well as talking once, sometimes twice a week on skype, we seem so close with them, yet so far away. So as I said goodbye this time I just wanted to hang on for a long time, but had to get to my gate. As I walked into the airport, I just kept crying. I went through security and then saw a starbucks and thought… THAT will make me feel better, so I ordered a frappichino, and cried as I waited to get on my plane. I cried and drank my frapp while feeling sorry for myself with my sunglasses on of course. Anyway, if we partner with Del and Arielle in the future I look forward to not saying goodbye as often to them… I look forward to those days. In fact I look forward to the days in heaven where we don’t say goodbye… we all just get to be together!

Niece and Nephew Bella and Joshua

Had tritip one night for dinner, TJ was sad to miss out

Bella and I

Cousin Bryan and kids

Cousin Alisha, and Kids

Uncle Gene and Aunt Hazel

Cousin Linnea

Aunt Susy and Uncle Terry

My brother Del

Barry and Helen, Bella and Joshua
TJ was such a champ and watched my girls all weekend while I spent the time with my family, and I’m so grateful for him doing that. When I got to the airport, he had a bouquet of roses to welcome me and cleaned the house spic’n span… which made it so much easier to transition into the next morning of attending classes and moving on with life.