
19 Week Belly and 5 years of Marriage!

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My sweet baby!

My sweet baby!

My girls playing at the park

My girls playing at the park



I love this big girl!

I love this big girl!

Family Date!

Family Date!

TJ went and got me so BEAUTIFUL flowers that I have been truly enjoying

TJ went and got me so BEAUTIFUL flowers that I have been truly enjoying

Who's this good look'n guy? (chewing weeds?)

Who’s this good look’n guy? (chewing weeds?)


Starting to feel the baby

I skipped a week of belly pics, but here I am at 19 weeks.  I have been feeling great, which is awesome!!!  This pregnancy has been hard as far as how I’ve felt, so the fact that I am actually feeling like a normal person is beyond amazing for any of you who get that  you understand!  :)))  This past weekend marked the date of our 5th anniversary, it feels like we got married yesterday yet a lot has happened since then and now.  I am thankful for TJ.  He has a heart for the Lord and is willing to lay down everything for the sake of the gospel, and I would follow him anywhere… but I must say I’m glad I agree on the decisions about where he’s been taking us.  God has been so faithful to us in our marriage and we continue to grow, this is a new year for us where we will have plenty of new things to learn :).

This week (starting today actually)  We will be in a class called “simple living”.  We will be cooking all our meals from scratch, not driving or using our cell phones or the internet, so if you find that your trying to get a hold of us but are having a hard time then you will know that we are on limited access until the 27th of October.  I am looking forward to the experience.  Lights out at 8, then candles after that, no kitchen appliances or anything… like I said living simply 🙂  We are going to try to live according to how Del and Arielle are living in Africa, cold showers and such… we’ll see how it goes!  We’ll let you know for sure!

19 Week Belly

19 Week Belly

17 Weeks Pregnant


Front view :)

Front view 🙂


Weekend in California

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This past weekend I got the privilege of flying home to California to attend my Grandmother’s memorial service AND spend time with my family.  My older brother Del flew home to California as well all the way from Africa which was such a blessing to all who saw him, but meant so much to those of us who got to spend lots of time with him.  From Friday through Monday I spent many hours with my parents, and  all 3 of my brothers, Bobby, Barry and Del… This is a rarity and so now is like a pure gem of time to do this.  My mom’s sister and her family were also staying at our house… so my cousin Ky and Linnea, and my Aunt Linda and Uncle Harry.  So I would say the time was RICH!  We spent the weekend catching up with each other, hearing how God has been doing  a work in each of our lives.  We all went to Mormor’s service of course who apparently planned it herself, she would totally do that!  She’s so funny, she doesn’t like putting burden on other people, but also wanted things to be a certain way.  There were about 10 people who got up to say that Mormor said to tell everyone, she was READY to go, she said “Don’t be sad for me… Be sad for yourselves!”  We really enjoyed her service, we laughed, giggled, cried, worshiped God, prayed, shared our hearts.  At the end of her service, it was so clear and relevant that Mormor’s life revolved around God’s character and who he is, her life revolved around the gospel, and the lives God changed through her will never be the same.  I’m so thankful for the legacy that she has left.

It was especially hard to say goodbye to my brother Delwyn this time. We are planning on partnering with them in Africa and have that connection as well as talking once, sometimes twice a week on skype, we seem so close with them, yet so far away. So as I said goodbye this time I just wanted to hang on for a long time, but had to get to my gate. As I walked into the airport, I just kept crying. I went through security and then saw a starbucks and thought… THAT will make me feel better, so I ordered a frappichino, and cried as I waited to get on my plane. I cried and drank my frapp while feeling sorry for myself with my sunglasses on of course. Anyway, if we partner with Del and Arielle in the future I look forward to not saying goodbye as often to them… I look forward to those days. In fact I look forward to the days in heaven where we don’t say goodbye… we all just get to be together!


Niece and Nephew Bella and Joshua

Niece and Nephew Bella and Joshua


Had tritip one night for dinner, TJ was sad to miss out

Had tritip one night for dinner, TJ was sad to miss out


Bella and I

Bella and I


Cousin Bryan and kids

Cousin Bryan and kids


Cousin Alisha, and Kids

Cousin Alisha, and Kids


Uncle Gene and Aunt Hazel

Uncle Gene and Aunt Hazel


Cousin Linnea

Cousin Linnea


Aunt Susy and Uncle Terry

Aunt Susy and Uncle Terry


My brother Del

My brother Del


Barry and Helen, Bella and Joshua

Barry and Helen, Bella and Joshua

P9214681TJ was such a champ and watched my girls all weekend while I spent the time with my family, and I’m so grateful for him doing that.  When I got to the airport, he had a bouquet of roses to welcome me and cleaned the house spic’n span… which made it so much easier to transition into the next morning of attending classes and moving on with life.  

Our house

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If you forget what our house looks like and you want to take the tour again, just click on the link and it will take to the tour of our house.  🙂


A New (to us) Car!!!

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As you know we have been praying for a new car.  On our way back from Florida to Missouri we realized how much we needed a new vehicle and crunched our numbers to see what we could afford… we ended up getting a good deal on a 2005 Honda Pilot to accommodate us and our 3 kids  :).  Praise the Lord!

Camera 360

A Tribute to my Mormor.

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Our Mormor

Our Mormor






















I will miss my Mormor dearly.  She has been my role model for years and will continue to be as I remember her gentle spirit and joy in the Lord no matter what trial came her way.  I can always learn from her as long as I’m alive.  Nurses/ medical workers in the hospital, rehab center or in her home were always in amazement with Mormor, why she could have such joy in the midst of a broken hip, cancer or whatever the situation.  I remember her being excited that every meal was brought to her, she felt so spoiled.  I will never forget when she was diagnosed with lymphoma cancer while I was in South Africa for a year, and decided to receive the treatment just so I could see her again.  

I remember visits to her house in Spokane Washington, building snow men and forts in the front yard, eating raspberries from the back  yard garden, waiting till 1 pm every day to go swim in her community pool, then playing mini golf several times a day.  Every time I came to visit her she gave me a doll that was from my mom or her child hood.  I remember the year she moved from Washington to California… RIGHT across the drive way, we were all so ecstatic to have her!  She ate dinner with us every night and Tuesday was a busy day for all of us, so she made dinner for us.  I remember sneaking over to her house with my brothers while she was gone to watch cable at her house :).  I remember sleeping on the hid-abed with my cousin Linnea.  She used to ask my why I always had my hair in a bun, she said I looked like a boy, looking back now, I suppose I could have done something different with it :).  When she moved to Auberry she made more friends that I’ve ever had, our whole church fell in love with her, she was involved in all kinds of activities and ministries.  She was faithful to pray for every person she knew.  She was gracious with her time and with her money, she was never afraid to give of herself for others and for the kingdom of God.  I couldn’t have asked for a better relationship with my Mormor.  She has not only been my grandmother, but a  close friend.   As her time ended it was hard to say goodbye because I couldn’t have the conversation I would want to have with her over the phone, but I can be so thankful for all the time that I have got to spend with her.  I can only imagine what she’s doing now as she has a new body and is in the presence of the almighty God, her forever companion, and best friend.  She was so ready to meet him, I can’t imagine the meeting between her and her Lord.  I would say the he was pleased with how she honored and served him.

Mormor, I am so thankful I knew you, I am so thankful for the person you have made us all to be by your incredible example.  I promise to tell my kids about you, and I hope that I can have the kind of joy that you had.  When trials come my way I pray that God will give me the grace to accept them the way you have and learn from them.  Thank you for the legacy you have left.  I will not forget you, your impact will not be forgotten.  To God be the Glory!

Back to School… a whirlwind!

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I’ve been meaning to write for some time now… so here I am now writing. This summer was such a whirl wind. We saw so many people, got to share our heart and vision for our ministry with about 50-60 families. I’m excited about the way God has answered our prayers in burdening people specifically for our ministry… for his ministry. We had to say goodbye to a Sovereign Grace Church for the semester which was hard, seeing how we were just getting involved, and just beginning to develop new relationships there. Toward the end of the summer I was feeling very sick because of the pregnancy which made it hard to do a lot of extra things. But we managed to drive to Maryland and back, clean up the house we’ve been staying in and head back to the Missionary Training Center here in Missouri… And start classes the next day!


On our way back from Florida to Missouri, we stopped in Georgia to stay with some friends, and speak in their church. It was an awesome little church, and as TJ shared, right before our eyes we watched the whole church congregation of probably 30 people feel burdened for our ministry, and wanted to know how they could be involved with us. The church ended up sending us off with a large check, and saying they wanted to be as involved with us as they could. I was in awe at how God works in people when he wants to and sometimes really fast! It was such an encouragement for us, and reminder that what we’re doing is something God has called us to do. He will provide, and He will also complete his work through us if we are faithful. I am truly so excited to be a part of God’s work and a part of reaching a people group in Africa that needs the truth!


We’ve started classes. In fact we’ve already finished our phonemics and literacy class. Just today we are starting a (CLA) Culture Language Acquisition Practicum, there is a whole village set up in our class room and there are going to be characters from the village we can talk to and learn from daily. we are going to be studying a language and culture in our own class room, I’m excited to see how it plays out and what we end up learning.


On another note, it has been hard to come back to school and not have any really close friends. My precious friend Elise left here at the end of last semester and so she is not here any more :/. I realized how much I value friendship, I usually just make a couple really good friends. There were only a couple in high school, and a very select few in Bible School, I only had a couple good friends in Florida, and the people I have grown close to here in Missouri seem to be dissipating, I feel a little lost and alone, and missing that closeness, and at the same time afraid to make new friends knowing I am going to be leaving in December and will have to say goodbye once again. With the life style God has for us We will say goodbye to pretty much all our good friends, and maybe not spend substantial time with them until we are in heaven.



Trip to Maryland

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Stopped by the Watson's on the way up and back!

Stopped by the Watson’s on the way up and back!

Ava's new friend Claira

Ava’s new friend Claira


Got to witness this pretty lady get married :)

Got to witness this pretty lady get married 🙂


my kids are attached

my kids are attached

My pretty baby

My pretty baby

get'n married

get’n married


Dad's walk'n her down

Dad’s walk’n her down



Lance couldn't be happier that Penny wanted to be held by him

Lance couldn’t be happier that Penny wanted to be held by him

mother daughter

mother daughter

decorating morning of

decorating morning of

Iesley was helping too!

Iesley was helping too!

visited the White House on our way through

visited the White House on our way through

got to stay with the Fedals!

got to stay with the Fedals!

All summer we’ve been planning this trip to Maryland, to see my friend Elise get married, and visit potential supporters/friends and a church that we are loosely connected to.  Four days before leaving God confirmed us going by laying on someone’s heart to give us $500.00 for the trip, and it was just the right amount!  We were blessed by each of our visits, first to South Carolina to visit my dear friend Laura Watson and her daughter Kristen, and then off to Chantilly Virginia to see friends that used to live here in Florida.  It’s fun to see how God had been working in their lives.  We spent three nights at my friend Elise’s house and got to be a part of all the festivities of the wedding planning and decorating.  But at the same time it was such a sweet time of fellowship with her whole family as we prepared for the Big day.  They were so hospitable and kind as I was not the normal house guest.  Since I am newly pregnant and feeling quite sick, my needs for food and many other things are greater than normal… :/  They were so gracious to us!

The day we left their house we attended a church that supports Del and Arielle Griffith to just make a connection there since we are planning on partnering with them.  We met the Pastor before church and of course made the worst impression we could make, as Ava pulled my hair (for the first time ever), bit me, hit me and told me “NO”!  Any parents would feel horrified at this point just as I did, I gently said “Do you maybe have a room near by where I can discipline my child?”  He did… Right next door, Thankfully!   As the service started our number was put on the screen and were summoned to come pick up Penny as she was not happy.  As we were leaving the church we met one of the elders who happened to be a member on their mission board.  Our children were tired and grumpy and ready to go home, this gave us only a few minutes to talk and then we needed to leave.  We leave the church put our kids in the car and say “God… What are we  doing here?!!!”

That day and night we spent at Del and Arielle’s good friend’s Craig and Mary.  They have 2 beautiful daughters that our girls got to play with, and we got to know Craig and Mary better.  They are truly amazing people  who are following God wherever He takes them.  That evening we discovered that we had car problems and were going to need to stay longer, so thankfully the Fadels graciously allowed us to stay an extra night.  Because we stayed an extra day TJ ended up getting to meet with this elder that we had met the previous day.  It was a really encouraging meeting, and even though we hadn’t planned on bringing it up, they are very interested in financially supporting us starting in 2014.  The same day TJ ate lunch at Panera Bread and afterwards was reading his Bible when a few men came up and starting talking with him by saying “now that’s a good book!”  They asked a lot of questions about our ministry and what we’re doing, he happened to be a Pastor of a near by church, and before leaving handed TJ $50 which was the exact price for the part we needed for the car.

God is good and shows himself faithful in every situation!


3 + 2 = 5 ? :)

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This summer has been so busy, but good busy!   We’ve been able to spend time with so many different people and building relationships with the body of Christ, and with those God has in mind to be a part of our ministry.  This past week we spent the week with our good friends “The Doughty’s”  We decided to make this a vacation week, and not set up any meals/visits with people, we just chilled.  But because I’m PREGNANT… I haven’t been feeling very well, so it was the perfect week to just chill and remember all the remedies I do for this sickly pregnancy thing that happens.  So ya… I’m 8 weeks pregnant and due March 7th.  We are really excited and look forward to meeting this little one when he/she arrives.

We’ve been staying here at the beach for a week and the other night we went down by the water and had the chance to witness a turtle come out of the ocean, dig a hole and lay her hundred eggs, cover the hole back up and slowly but surely make her way back  to the water.  It was such an awesome thing to see, I just felt like God let me in on his creation and seeing more of his character and creativity and beauty.  If the turtle is bothered too much when she comes out of the water, she will just go back in the ocean and it is dangerous for her to do that when she really needs to lay her eggs.  Once She treks up the sandy land (which she only does once a year), and has dug her hole and is actually laying the eggs, she won’t stop when you come up to her.  So while she was laying her eggs we actually shined lite sort of under her and watched her lay all her eggs.  It took her a little while to cover up the eggs in the sand when she was done, but she was careful to do it right.  She was so tired, but made her way back to the ocean.

I think it was cool watching and seeing how God procreates through turtles at the same time that a little one is growing inside of me right now!

Next week we are going up to Maryland for a friends wedding and also seeing different people on the way there and on the way back.  God has been so gracious to provide the money to go, and we are so encouraged, by all the people that have committed to supporting us.  It’s a reminder that this is His ministry that we get to be a part of, and he has a part for everyone to play.  His plan unfolds before our eyes day by day.

Watching a turtle lay her eggs

Watching a turtle lay her eggs


Baby #3  :)

Baby #3 🙂


Independence Day!

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Yesterday we hosted a party for friends and family.  We ate lots of delicious food, and spent good time together.    We continue to stay very busy these days, getting together with several people a week, building relationships and sharing our ministry.  God is good and continues to bless us in so many ways!

Our little fam

Our little fam

excited to host friends and family for our little independence day party

excited to host friends and family for our little independence day party

Outfits from Grandma

Outfits from Grandma


About to go in the oven

About to go in the oven

1 1/2 cups of butter in this blueberry pie

1 1/2 cups of butter in this blueberry pie

absolutely delicious French silk pie

absolutely delicious French silk pie

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