Ava’s 3rd Birthday was June 14th.  We wanted to do something special with her because she’s literally been looking forward to her birthday for months now.  Every time it’s someone else’s birthday she says “When is it going to be my birthday?”  Well the day came and went.  We had family and  a couple friends over to celebrate her day. I made a polka dot cake which was hilarious fun!  We  hit open a toy filled pinata and played in the card board box fort her daddy built for her and her friends, we ate Mac’n cheese and chicken.  We found a good deal on craig’s list for a doll house that many people chipped in to buy for Ava… She’s been playing with it non stop.

Ava has definitely spiced up our lives, and we are so thankful for her.  I think God always has more things to teach us as parents as we raise this little girl… she knows what she wants  😉  Happy Birthday Ava.  We LOVE you!


cake balls

cake balls

pouring white batter over already made cake balls

pouring white batter over already made cake balls



learning how to use an old machine

learning how to use an old machine

quite the ancient... it's all that was available  :)

quite the antique… it’s all that was available 🙂



Pink Frosting

Pink Frosting

The complete product

The complete product

someone's happy to be 3!

homemade pinata


cousins just chill'n

cousins just chill’n

opening her doll house

opening her doll house


polka dot cake

what’s inside

Ava's new doll house

Ava’s new doll house

The day Ava was born

The day Ava was born