As I write today, I am at the end of myself, but in my heart and in my vulnerability and against everything I want to do, I need to ask you for prayer.  I am calling all prayer warriors to pray for us.

Yesterday we went to the Dr. to get our 8 week ultra sound, and they didn’t find a heart beat.  I am struggling because this is not what I expected.  I am not understanding what God is doing right now.  TJ’s faith feels like it could move mountains and my faith seems to be flatlining, but this morning as I face my fears and my vulnerability I am convicted that I need to ask for prayer.  We have not seen any evidence of loss yet, and until we do we are asking that you pray with us boldly that God will spare this life, that God will have mercy on us and give life to this child with in me.
Please fight for this life with your fervent prayers.  Thank you.  

Psalm 28:1-2

“To you I call, O Lord my rock;  do not turn a deaf ear to me.  For if you remain silent, I will be like those who have gone down to the pit.  Hear my cry for mercy as I call to you for help, as I lift up my hands toward your Most Holy Place.”