It’s one thing to see God working in miraculous ways all around me over and over again. It becomes another story when he works in my own heart, humbling me and asking me to do the hard things, to confront hard situations and restore relationships. I think Satan relishes in broken friendships, and broken families. He longs for loss of fellowship, he is for anything but the unity of believers before the Lord. Praise God that he is bigger than Satan and that Christ has already defeated him. To God be the glory for working in my life, for working in my heart.
I hope and pray that as people spend time with TJ and I that they will see our heart for the Lord, and that that is what we’re after. We’re not after people’s money, we’re focused on relationships, on simply connecting with the body of Christ no matter what church you attend. As long as your trusting in Christ for your salvation, we are a team and must work together for the Kingdom of God.
TJ and I are excited about the opportunity to reach people who don’t have God’s word in their language, nor have they ever had the chance. There are 2,500 people groups who still don’t have God’s word in their language. There is 140 churches in America for every 1 tribe that doesn’t have the gospel.
We want people to know that this is an opportunity to be a part of something amazing. And let me remind you this is not something we instigated. God has called us to this ministry specifically and has directed us every step of the way. God will be the one to work in those tribal people’s hearts, not us.
As we continue to build relationships with people, we hope that you can see our heart, and not mistake us for having wrong motives.
We seek to serve God with everything that we are, and follow him wherever he leads us.